The definition of POSTPARTUM CARE is
helping women regain both physical and emotional balance as she readjusts her post-birth body to a non-pregnant being. The ART of truly caring for a postpartum mother lives in the delivery of service. With a delicate touch, soft voice and healing hand, we WARM, INFUSE and HEAL the mother's body with LOVE, CARE, and HERBS.

Sitz Bath
Witch Hazel– Astringent, especially useful treatment of hemorrhoids and varicosities
Calendula– Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory
Rosemary– antiseptic and anti-inflammatory
Jasmine– Aromatic
Brew 1 cup of herbs per 4 cups of water. Strain herbs. Pour infusion into sitz basin or directly into bathtub.
Soak for 20 minutes up to 3 times a day.
If you have significant tear, limit to once a day for the first week.

Afterpains Tincture
The intesity of cramps after birth can increase with nursing and subsequent births.
Made with Cramp Bark or Blaw Haw (used interchangably) for uterine cramping and White Willow Bark for pain relief. This tincture can also be used for monthly cycle pain as well.
1-2 dropper fulls in 2-4 oz of water, 15-20 minutes prior to nursing or as needed
Sitz Bath Infusions $25
Healing Infused Oil $30
Afterpains Tincture $20
Postpartum Bliss Tincture $20
To order your Herbal Remedy, CONTACT US today!

Healing Infused Oil
Witch Hazel– Astringent, especially useful treatment of hemorrhoids and varicosities
Calendula– Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory
Rosemary– antiseptic and anti-inflammatory
Jasmine– Aromatic
Use topically on your skin including perineum

Postpartum Bliss Tincture
Motherwort, a perennial herb in the mint family, is known as the connector herb between the heart, the nervous system and the womb. The flowering tops, consumed as a tincture, have an affinity for alleviating anxiety and depression, particularly when associated with hormonal fluctuations associated with the changing times in a woman's life. As a gateway herb, Mortherwort carries us through the transitions in and out of our cycles of mothering. Ideally suited for puberty, menopause and the transition into motherhood., Motherwort's tincture eases hormonal transitions and supports a balanced emotional state.
Combined with Milky Oat Tops, this formula deeply nourishes the nervous system, balances hormones and supports transition to fully embodied motherhood.
1-2 dropper-fulls in 2-4 oz of water, can alleviate postpartum depression and espescially postpartum anxiety.