Conveniently located in the Kissimmee Medical Arts District

Central Florida's #1 Encapsulation Service. Serving Orlando, to Winter Haven to Vero Beach to Cocoa Beach to Daytona. Only trust your placenta with the best. CERTIFIED | INSURED | PROFESSIONAL Florida's ONLY placenta kitchen.

Central Florida's #1 Encapsulation Service. Serving Orlando, to Winter Haven to Vero Beach to Cocoa Beach to Daytona. Only trust your placenta with the best. CERTIFIED | INSURED | PROFESSIONAL Florida's ONLY placenta kitchen.

Central Florida's #1 Encapsulation Service. Serving Orlando, to Winter Haven to Vero Beach to Cocoa Beach to Daytona. Only trust your placenta with the best. CERTIFIED | INSURED | PROFESSIONAL Florida's ONLY placenta kitchen.
*Placenta Encapsulation
*Belly Binding
*Herbal Healing Post-Birth

The placenta is the life force of the baby in the womb and the life force of the mother immediately following birth. The placenta is prepared, either in capsule form for easy ingestion or tincture for longer-term solutions. This life force is filled with much needed hormones to aid in recovery, nursing, and emotional healing. Salves are also available to aid in C-section recovery.
Bengkung Belly Binding speeds up postpartum recovery by aiding the body to return to its pre-pregnancy state through a simple method of tying. Read more on Bengkung Belly Binding here.
Postpartum herbal healing consists of tinctures, sitz baths and infusions made specifically for postpartum recovery. Read more here.